本期課程 Current Courses
MLB Course Introduction
000 Series Bring People to Worship Christ
100 Series Help People to Connect to Church
200 Series Train People to Grow and Mature
300 Series Equip People to Serve in Ministry
400 Series Send People to Reach others
A. 000 Series (Seekers)
# 001 The Life of Christ (To Know Jesus)
# 002 The Choice between Hopeless and Hopeful
B. 100 Series ( First Base – Membership or Connect Covenant ) Introduction to our church family
# 101 Our Church : Learn the vision, mission and target of SFCC. Sign the Commitment Form and application for membership upon completion of the course. (Short lesson)
# 102 Our Belief : Help members to become “a new creation in Christian” through understanding the fundamentals of Christianity, and to build a solid faith foundation.
# 103 Our Life : Your life will transform after accepting Christ as your personal savior. The Truth will guide you and change your perspective. You will develop a new value system that has eternal implication. This course will help you to develop a new relationship with God, yourself, family, friends and others after you accepted Christ. (Short lesson)
# 104 Ephesians : Learn about the church, as the bride of Christ, through the book of Ephesians. Understand God's will for His new creation, new life, and new relationship.
C. 200 Series ( Second Base – Growth Covenant ) Introduction to Spiritual maturity
# 201 Maturity Covenant : Help you to develop spiritual maturity in 4 ways (Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and tithing). (short lesson )
# 202 Prayer Training
# 203 Simple Ways for Bible Study
# 204 Old Testament Overview
# 205 New Testament Overview
# 206 Single Book Bible Study (Isaiah, Jeremiah, John, Colossians, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1 & 2 & 3 John, and more)
# 207 The Christian Family (Marital, family relationships, and more)
# 208 Experiencing God
# 209 The Purpose Drive Life
D. 300 Series ( Third Base – Serve Covenant ) Discovering my SHAPE for ministry
SHAPE includes :
Spirit Gift
# 301 ( Serve Covenant ): This course to help you to discover your SHAPE for ministry (short lesson)
# 302 Small Group Leader Training
# 303 Assimilation training
# 304 Nehemiah : Learn to be an effective spiritual leader through the study of Nehemiah.
# 305 Pastoral Letters: : Learn the essential characteristics of a spiritual leader through the books to the early church leaders.
# 306 The Purpose Driven Church
E. 400 Series ( Fourth Base – Reach Covenant ) : Discovering my life mission
# 401 ( Reach Covenant ): Learn simple ways to evangelize and be more effective in sharing the gospel.
# 402 (Christianity Evidence) : Learn the truth behind Christianity and Bible through in depth scientific research and anthropological studies. A must have when sharing with non-believers.
# 403 Cults and Other Religions: Introduction to Jehovah's Witness – the Latter Day Saints, the Mormons, Catholics, Buddhism, Muslims, and others. The more you know, the better equip you are at reaching people of a different religious background.
# 404 Acts : Learn the effects of the Holy Spirit on the early churches and how we can apply to our service now
Seekers must attend the 100 series and be baptized before they become a member of the church and move onto the 200 series courses.
Recommended courses: # 101, # 102, # 103, # 201, # 301, # 401