執事會分工各組職責明細表: 執事會事工分為行政部(administration)與事工部(ministries)兩大類. 事工部則按教會五大目標而分 |
Deacons committees and task assignments
There are 2 departments in Deacon Board. One is Administration. Another is Ministries. Ministries are divided by 5 purposes of the church. |
Chairperson & Secretary
chair Deacon Board meetings
chair annual assemblies
supervise ministries
enact DB decisions
review and approve budgets
supervise church website
participate in pastoral search process
assist pastors to implement expansion plans and annual plans
oversee pastors' benefits guideline
collect/distribute monthly committee report and prepare Board meeting agendas
notify of meetings
send bulletin updates
oversee mails/write official SFCC letters
oversee suggestions
review fellowship and committee budgets
oversee finance and accounts payable
prepare semi-annual & annual financial reports
oversee expenditure of each fellowship and committee to ensure expenditure is according to budget
oversee pastors' and staff's salary and benefits with chairperson and vice chairperson
oversee pastors' benefit guideline with chairperson and vice chairperson
encourage offerings
maintain property records and insurance
oversee contracts for copy machine & others
Accounts Payable including invoices filing
Building Maintenance
There are two deacons for each commitee.
[目標 #1] 崇拜組
- 全年台/英語部主日崇拜事奉人員,包括: 音響、投影、司琴、奉獻、敬拜讚美、詩班、獻詩、翻譯等之排定,每週聯繫、提醒、出缺代理人之安排。
- 定期提供崇拜組同工訓練。
- 負責台/英語部主日崇拜之準備及時間管理。
- 協助台/英語部牧師與外聘講員之聯繫及安排。
- 台/英語部聖餐所需器皿及餅、葡萄汁之準備。
- 野外禮拜崇拜器材之準備。
- 協助牧師籌劃特別主日或活動的節目內容,包括(但不限於)會員大會、逾越節、復活節、母親節、父親節、夏令營、野外禮拜、聯合禮拜(與英語部或其他教會)、敬老節、感恩節、聖誕節,及培靈會等等。並以文宣或其他方式積極推廣之。
- 積極與牧師、擴展委員會及宣教組同工,共同籌劃合適之佈道性崇拜或節目
- 與教育組聯合協助牧師籌劃培靈會。
- 聯合禮拜時籌劃崇拜相關事宜。
[Purpose #1] Worship Committee
- Celebrate through Worship
- schedule and arrange Sunday worship co-workers including worship team, choir, pianists, audio tech, visual tech and translation if needed
- provide worship co-worker training
- oversee Sunday worship preparation and time management
- assist pastors in contacting guest speakers
- prepare for holy communion
- prepare for outdoor services
- assist pastors in planning special Sunday services such as religious holidays, outdoor services, summer retreat, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Elder's Day, revival meetings, etc.
- assist pastors and outreach committee to plan outreach events in order to reach out our targeting unchurched people
- assist pastors and education committee to plan revival meetings
- oversee and plan for combine services
[目標 #2] 團契關懷組
透過真心團契/小組的生活,互相連結彼此服事扶持關懷 |
[Purpose #2] Connection Committee
Connect Through Fellowship/Small Group |
- 協助牧師小組事工之推動,鼓勵會友參加小組,互相歸屬。
- 與各團契或小組負責人保持密切聯繫,隨時了解各現況及問題。
- 小組長之定期分享禱告會之安排。
- 鼓勵及籌劃小組與小組之間、台語及英語部之間的聯繫。
- 督導關懷事工,鼓勵每個小組關懷新朋友及新會友。分配關懷工作給各小組包括崇拜後用餐時間、第一週的電話聯繫、前六個月指定關懷家庭,探訪,電話問候、郵寄週報、文宣品等給主日缺席之會友、慕道友及新朋友。
- 負責新來會友或訪客之接納、資料卡之完成、收集並轉交團契或小組負責人。
- 主日崇拜出席人數之統計。
- 定期迎新會之籌劃。
- 會友喜慶婚喪之統籌,及慶生會蛋糕之準備。
- oversee small group ministry, encourage brothers/sisters join a small group in order to connect to one another within a small group
- understand and report each small group's need and situation to pastors and deacon board
- plan regular small group leaders sharing/prayer meeting
- enhance the connection among small groups / fellowships, and between EM and TM
- oversee and delegate caring ministry and newcomer assimilation to each small group, such as ushering during Sunday lunch time, host family in the first 6 months, caring members-in-need by phone calls or home visiting, mailing bulletin and flyers to absentees, etc
- gather newcomer's information and pass to suitable small group/fellowship leader
- count Sunday attendance
- plan welcoming party
- prepare monthly birthday cake, prepare gifts for members' new born or wedding, assist in member's funeral
[目標 #3] 教育組
鼓勵會友虛心接受造就,成長更像基督 |
[Purpose #3] Education/Grow Committee
Grow Through Discipleship |
- 負責MLB生命建造課程之規劃與師資之培訓。
- 提供小組長之培訓及小組聚會查經材料之來源。
- 負責提供各式培訓機會。
- 負責兒童主日學校長之任聘。
- 協助牧師或校長於督導兒童主日學及青少年事工。
- 負責圖書館館長之任聘,及圖書館事工之督導。
- 協助兒童主日學校長兒童夏季學校或兒童夏令營之籌劃及實施。
- 與台語部及英文部崇拜組聯合協助兩邊會眾的培靈會之籌劃。
- 協助牧師鼓勵會友重視讀經、靈修、參加培靈會、生命建造課程等,接受造就。
- 負責教育基金之預算編列。
- plan and schedule for Mature Life Builder (MLB) curriculum and teacher's training
- provide small group leaders trainings and small group bible study resources
- provide trainings and conferences information to members
- recruit children Sunday school principal
- assist pastors to oversee children ministry & youth ministry
- recruit librarian and oversee library ministry
- plan vacation Bible school and summer retreat programs
- help plan revival meetings
- help pastor in encouraging discipleship, devotion, MLB participation
- Education Fund.
[目標 #4] 服事組
鼓勵會友盡心事奉,榮神益人 |
[Purpose #4] Serve Committee
Serve Through Ministry |
- 鼓勵會友參與服事。
- 每週午餐供應之聯繫及提醒。
- 特別聚會時餐點的準備或聯繫。
- 每週及每年度教堂內外清潔之安排、通知及督導。
- 教會一般日用品、餐具、廚具、衛具之購置及管理。
- 每週主日總務、獻花、招待(提早30分鐘到達)及交通車之路線、時間、司機等的安排、通知及提醒。
- 野外禮拜餐盤之準備。
- 特別節日贈品之計劃、採購及分送。
- 負責野外禮拜公園之接洽訂定。
- 負責教會交通車之維修。
- 教會庭園花草之維護管理。
- 負責教堂及崇拜用儀器的出租或出借登錄,須通知台、英語部的崇拜組。
- 負責影印機的維護、紙張的購買及影印房之清潔。
- encourage members to serve
- oversee lunch program
- oversee meal/snack for special occasion
- oversee weekly & annual cleanup
- maintain stock of kitchen, janitorial, and general supplies
- arrange and remind of weekly duties on Sunday serving, flower arrangement, ushering, and use of church van and transportation arrangement
- oversee outdoor service meals and utensils
- prepare gifts for special occasions
- oversee site reservations for outdoor services
- maintain church van
- maintain yard and garden
- oversee rental of equipments and facilities
- maintain copy machine and supplies
[目標 #5] 宣教/慈善組
鼓勵會友熱心傳福音,完成大使命 |
[Purpose #5] Outreach/Charity Committee
Reach Through Evangelism |
- 負責宣教基金運用之籌劃、做成提案交執事會決議。
- 負責規劃、訓練短宣之事工。
- 定期聯繫所補助的宣教機構,並向執事會及會友報告。
- 鼓勵會友積極參與並關心宣教事工,包括實際參加宣教、為宣教事工代禱、或財務上的支援等等。
- 與牧師、擴展委員會及崇拜組同工,同籌劃合適之佈道性崇拜或節目。
- 負責慈善基金運用之籌劃、做成提案交執事會決議。
- 負責社區佈道活動的籌劃、如福音之夜或其他佈道性質活動。
- 負責籌劃教會對外慈善及關懷活動
- oversee missions planning and budget
- plan short term missions
- stay in touch with SFCC-supported ministries (Contact the missionaries we support and share their work to our church periodically.)
- encourage participation in missions
- to reach out our target unchurched people。
- help plan outreach
- oversee charity fund
- oversee outreach events
- oversee charity event